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Women's Health Education

Making pregnancy and birth safer 


Bridging Support

Helping those need around you



One step at a time



Empowering vulnerable women


Mental Health Care

Building a healthy mind

Pregnancy/birth complications do not occur out of the blue. They are caused by a wide range of diseases that are rooted in the social conditions in which pregnant women live and work.


We believe that education is the most powerful weapon we can use to improve maternal health in vulnerable groups. This is because most pregnancy and birth complications occur due to lack of information on best health practices.


That is why our Women’s Education Program ensures that vulnerable women acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to make informed and independent decisions about how to achieve optimal pregnancy, childbirth, and postnatal parenting outcomes.

Many vulnerable pregnant women living in urban and rural areas in Ghana are unable to access primary health care services. Because of their socioeconomically disadvantaged conditions, these women struggle to afford the cost of: (1) primary health care services, (2) transportation to healthcare facilities, and (3) the services of professional healthcare personnel. Those living in rural areas face a much greater burden in accessing health care than their counterparts in urban areas because of transportation barriers.


Rural vulnerable women who are pregnant need to travel long distances (either by foot or car) to access health care services in urban areas. This is because the few available maternal health care facilities in Ghana are mostly located in urban areas.

Pregnancy-Help Ghana arranges material support for vulnerable pregnant and childbearing women as needed. This task is carried out with the aim of improving vulnerable women’s access to adequate material resources that support healthy living. These resources include quality food, drinkable water, cloth, housing, transportation, and income support.


The income offered to the women are often used to offset health insurance and transportation costs. We also assist vulnerable women to strengthen and form new social networks, as a means to increase their access to informational, instrumental, and emotional support in their households and communities.


With adequate social support, pregnant vulnerable women can expect to have the resources needed for safe and healthy childbirth, as well as proper caretaking of their babies.

Advocacy and partnerships with local communities and governments are key to broader systemic change in the health of women. We participate in national policy forums to advocate for public health policies and programs that promote the health and well-being of vulnerable women. We do this at the local, regional, and national levels. In addition to working directly with the government to improve maternal health for vulnerable women, we also work with their families and local community leaders to change sociocultural norms that put women at risk of poor health during pregnancy and childbirth. 


Some of the sociocultural norms about pregnancy and health practices in Ghana have been found to have deleterious consequences on health. These health damaging norms often encourage women to engage in behaviours that can lead to serious health problems and death. To combat unhealthy and life-threatening sociocultural norms and practices, our advocates meet and dialogue with community leaders about the health consequences of certain sociocultural norms, and the benefits that could accrue from addressing them.


Mobile Care Outreach

Reinforcing our commitment

our work

Our workers connect with women living in poverty in their communities to ensure that they have the necessary knowledge, skills, and material resources to undergo pregnancy and childbirth without becoming vulnerable to maternal health crises. By providing this support, Pregnancy-Help Ghana will save lives, alleviate suffering, and preserve the dignity of pregnancy and childbirth for over thousand women and their babies across Ghana.

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