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Our Mision

To bring hope to vulnerable women by making pregnancy and childbirth a safe and rewarding experience for these women. How we accomplish our mission is fundamental to our success. We carry out our mission through education, awareness creation, counselling, support, advocacy, and research.

We partner with health care providers, policymakers, community leaders, and other organizations to give vulnerable pregnant women a choice that will change their lives forever. Our educators, outreach workers, volunteers, and advocates work collaboratively and in partnership with health professionals, community leaders, and organizations all over the nation to assist vulnerable women in meeting their daily needs during three critical periods of their lives: pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum. 

Our workers connect with women living in poverty in their communities to ensure that they have the necessary knowledge, skills, and material resources to undergo pregnancy and childbirth without becoming vulnerable to maternal health crises. By providing this support, Pregnancy-Help-Ghana will save lives, alleviate suffering, and preserve the dignity of pregnancy and childbirth for over thousand women and their babies across Ghana.

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